Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 28 - Soup, Souffle, Spaghetti

MonRoast tomato soup over couscous w/cheese melts (Crock-pot cookbook)
TuesSpinach souffle (Mom Barb's recipe)
WedsBarb's spaghetti (makes extra to freeze)
Thurs Greek meatloaf (Opaah!)
Fri Chicken, snow peas, mashed potatoes
Alt falafels; frozen left-over chili
My sister-in-law had tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner with her family last week. Then I was out with friends and the subject of tomato soup came up (canned? from scratch?). I think it's been almost 10 years since I've enjoyed that meal, so thought I'd try a new tomato soup recipe this week and see how it goes over.

I ended up making an ultra-simple dish for the potluck last week, courtesy of my Mom's kitchen. My mom is the ultimate short-hand cook. The less time in the kitchen, the better! She suggested buying some chicken wings and legs (thank you Sam's Club for the 800 pounds of leg and wings now filling my freezer), and pouring a bottle of barbeque sauce over them. Normally you can just cook them in your crock pot that way, but we put them in the oven until they were done to make sure they cooked through in time. It was so easy and good! Did I actually "cook" anything? I don't think I did. Wouldn't have done that 5 years ago, but I didn't mind at all last week. There were 3 dishes of chicken enchiladas there, so I guess it's good I didn't opt for that recipe. So many other good things I tasted for which I wish I had recipes. Happy cooking.

1 comment:

  1. Heard no complaints about the chicken. Some of the best chicken recipes are the simplest.
