Mon – Chicken tortilla soup (Best-Loved Crock Pot Recipes)
Tues – Dirty rice (box mix)
Weds – Chicken nuggets (Deceptively Delicious)
Thurs – Batman and Robin Soup and buttermilk biscuits ("ChopChop" magazine)
Fri – Rigatoni Isabella
Thurs – Batman and Robin Soup and buttermilk biscuits ("ChopChop" magazine)
Fri – Rigatoni Isabella
Alts – chip plate; pancakes
When he got home, we concurred that it is vastly more difficult to follow a grocery list someone else has made. You have your own structure, handwriting, shorthand, and organizational methods. And you're familiar with the recipes you have in mind, so you know when it's ok to substitute or fly off the list if the store doesn't have exactly what you need.
So, with drumroll and a rolling-pin salute, we co-present this week's menu plan. Happy cooking.