Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 27 - Van Plan

Mon rigatoni isabella
Tueschili con carne (HyVee cookbook)
Thurs coffee-braised short ribs with ancho chiles (Bon Appetite, Oct '04)
Fri preschool potluck (still need to pick what to make)
Alt rotisserie chicken; breakfast
Had a busy weekend of camping, getting kids' pictures taken, and unpacking. We talked over a menu while driving from pictures to music class. While the boys were at music, my daughter and I ran to the store for a quick weekly grocery trip. Worked splendidly! Helps that we still have 2 recipes left from last week that went unmade, and have Friday night out. Any potluck favorites you can recommend? Happy cooking.

1 comment:

  1. I have a YUMMY chicken enchilada casserole that is from a church potluck recipe! It's delicious and feeds lots of people!! Let me know if you're interested.
